Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Best Way To Witness To An Atheist

I have a friend with the above bumper sticker plastered on her car window. She said she thought it would give her a witnessing opportunity. If I were an atheist I would be offended and not open at all to talking with her. Below I have listed an excerpt from a blog written by an atheist and then I listed my way to witness to an atheist. NOT WITH THIS BUMPER STICKER!
If we hijack this holiday and turn it into something positive for our movement it will be akin to turning lemons into lemonade. We should take this opportunity to make them eat their own words and gain a holiday out of it. Who doesn’t love holidays? I think many of my fellow atheists would agree with me when I say that I would rather be called a fool than a Christian. In the past, many great men were called fools for their ideas only to be vindicated and found correct later. If pirates can have their own holiday we should too. Join me and help remove one more dull witted tool from Christianity’s belt. As for the common refrain from Christians that atheists are fools, I believe that an interesting response is actually contained in their “holy” book: “Whoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire” (Matthew 5:22).

What is the best way to witness to an atheist? Live Christianity, don't debate it.

The real power of Christ's light makes itself known when it shines forth in life's darkest hours. If we have been given adversity, we have also been given opportunity to witness.
It doesn't take much to be nice to nice people, nor generous when one has wealth. Show me a poor person who sacrifices his own necessities for the welfare of strangers. Show me a person who remains kind to people who mistreat them. Show me a person who passes up a chance to destroy their enemy. When a person does these things, they are not acting according to human nature, but against it. The most valued attributes of mankind do not come naturally to man.
No matter what our situation may be, there will always be a profound way to represent our Lord. Our best witness is a life lived for Christ!

Matthew 5:14-16 You are the light of the world.... [15] it gives light to everyone in the house. [16] In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your GOOD DEEDS and praise your Father in heaven.
Be light, and the darkness is pushed back.
Be light before men, so they see your good deeds.
Your good works point others to God. Your good deeds can cause others to “praise your Father in heaven”.

1 comment:

  1. Okay ... I give up! The sticker is a bit "in you face". However... you know it is the Bible that says it and if an atheist is offended I must ask the question, "Why?" A
